Day 4: Opposition

More content, more bugs

I managed to implement most enemy types in the project, along with a working combat loop. During this I ran into a bugwhere the game would skip every the player turn if you took more then five turns. This took me way too long to fix, but it seems to all be ironed out now.

Currently, the game features these types of enemies/hazards:

  • Grunt Basic enemy, will run at you and try to hit you.
  • Ranger Ranged enemy, will try to get a line of sight and attack from a distance. When hit, it will drop it's weapon and become a grunt.
  • Piston Static entity, will push anything next to it away.
  • Spike Static entity, will damage anything that moves into it.
  • Pit Static entity, will destroy anything that moves into it.

With all the delays, I think I'm going to have to drop the item system. Maybe I'll implement it if I have some spare time on day 7. Surely that won't destroy the game balance.

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